Who we are
We are a high-level international consortium composed by eight distinguished European Research Centres and Universities across seven countries. The consortium brings together some of the best researchers on Chinese affairs in Europe, working in a synergetic way to build up a world class independent knowledge base on China in Europe.
8 key partners based in 7 countries
- The China Horizons project is led by CBS, with the support of MERICS and Bruegel, forming the project Executive Board. Synergy between partners is based on complementarity and diversity:
- Through a good balance between universities and think tanks, we ensure a wider range of approaches and views: this combination fuels constructive tension and debates, pushing intellectual boundaries.
- The consortium strives for a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach by exchanging knowledge between different partners in the WPs.
- Geographic diversity: the Partners are drawn from 7 different countries, covering northern, southern, western, and eastern Europe.
- Work Package leaders are assigned according to excellence criteria, namely the most distinguished experts on the subjects, taking into account publications, references, experience, and leadership capacity.

Copenhagen Business School (DK)
project members from Copenhagen Business School
Copenhagen Business School (CBS) was established in 1917. Today, with 20,000 students and 1,500 employees, it is one of the largest business schools in Europe and one of the eight Danish universities. CBS is Denmark's largest educational and research institution in the field of business administration and economics. Its research profile covers a broad range of subjects within the social sciences and humanities. This academic breadth reflects the need to understand business issues in a broader social, political, and cultural context. Moreover, this broad academic foundation is a prerequisite for CBS to support its extensive portfolio of research-based educational programs. As a government-financed private institution, CBS receives most of its funding from the Danish government.
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Mercator Institute for China Studies MERICS (DE)
project members from MERICS
MERICS is a German Think Tank focusing on the analysis of politics, society, economy and innovation in contemporary China and its relations with Europe and the wider world. The institute, founded in 2013 by Stiftung Mercator, provides a collaborative platform for cutting-edge research on China. It cooperates with numerous national and international research institutions. MERICS publications, detailed reports and events inform European public debates and policy regarding China. MERICS research is independent and fact-based, it aims at providing new and differentiated perspectives on China and advice for shaping relations with the country.
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Bruegel AISBL (BE)
project members from Bruegel
Bruegel is a Brussels-based independent Think Tank that specialises in economics. Established in 2005, Bruegel’s mission is to improve the quality of economic policy with open and fact-based research, analysis and debate, while adhering to principles of impartiality, openness and excellence. Bruegel’s membership includes EU Member State governments, international corporations and institutions. Bruegel scholars use data-driven analysis to assess economic processes and make evidence-based policy recommendations at the level of individual countries, the European Union, and International Organisations. Through publications, events, social media, podcast, and a lively blog, Bruegel established a unique discussion space on economic policy in Brussels, and features highly in several Think Tank awards and rankings.
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SWPS University (PL)
project members from SWPS University
SWPS University is a large, research-intensive private not-for-profit University, and the leading higher education institution for Social Sciences in Poland. It comprises 10 faculties and 28 Research Centres. SWPS University’s Department of Asian Studies runs BA and MA programmes on modern East Asia, with Chinese, Korean and Japanese languages. The East Asian Civilization Research Centre (CCAW) conducts research on the culture, society, and politics of East Asia, in particular Mainland China. CCAW’s goal is to develop an innovative and inclusive platform for interdisciplinary research of the East Asia region.
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Asia Centre – Centre Etudes Asies (FR)
project members from Asia Centre
Asia Centre is a Paris-based independent research institute that publishes research and holds debates on economic relations, as well as political and social transformation happening in the Asia-Pacific region. Asia Centre researchers analyse in-depth critical regional issues, provide recommendations to public and private decision making. They influence debates through punctual analyses, academic publications, events, and frequent appearances in French media. The Centre’s programs are developed with a vast network of partners, companies and specialist centres in Europe, North America and Asia.
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Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (FR)
project members from Sciences Po
Sciences Po is a French international research university, ranking among the finest institutions in the fields of humanities and social sciences. It comprises of 5 disciplinary areas (political science, sociology, economics, history, law) and 10 research centres. Sciences Po’s Centre for International Studies (CERI) is France’s principal research centre dedicated to the study of international/transnational relations and regional area studies. The Fondation Nationale des Sciences Sociales (FNSP) is responsible for the strategic direction and administrative and financial management of Sciences Po.
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Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (ES)
project members from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
The Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), including 12 Faculties and more than 20 Research Centres, is ranked as the best University in Spain and among the 200 best universities in the world. UAM’s Center for East Asian Studies (CEAO) aims to promote research and training in the different social, cultural, economic and political characteristic of East Asian countries, especially China, Japan and Korea. The Study Center research projects deal with different areas of the social sciences and humanities of East Asia and promote cooperation activities and exchanges with universities in China and Japan.
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Università Del Piemonte Orientale (IT)
project members from Università Del Piemonte Orientale
The Università del Piemonte Orientale (UPO) is a public Italian University comprising 7 Departments and one School of Medicine. It offers a full range of academic disciplines: Economics, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Law and Political Science, Social Science, Medicine and Surgery, Natural Sciences, Humanities. The research activities are funded by both private and public institutions, either local or national and international. UPO is partner of several European research and education programs, including 8 HEU projects. It promotes international scientific and cultural exchanges, especially trough the mobility of students and researchers and agreements with European and non-European universities.
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